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Journal of Business Law 12/2019

ISSN: 0137-5490
Pages: 48
Publication date: 2019
Place publication: Warszawa
Binding: paperback
Format: A4
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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.12.1

The article presents the point of view related to the decisive factors and conditions that may determine the success of Poland's modernization. The role of industrial and structural policy is underlined, based on the theory of the New Structural Economics, developed by the Chinese Professor Justin Yifu Lin of Beijing University and his academic environment, including scholars from the Faculty of Management of the University of Warsaw. Regarding the challenges for a more innovative economy, some conditions and problems occurring on the Polish road to the absorption of innovative activities have been presented. It was found that the building of innovative potential of the Polish economy should not be restricted to only technical and economic processes. Instead, there are social and cultural prerequisites as well. For example, social capital also largely determines the ability of the economy to create and absorb innovation.

Keywords: New Structural Economics; structural policy; Plan of Responsible Development; hyper globalization; new development paradigm; innovative economy
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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.12.2

Provisions of the Act changing the Act on auditors, auditor firms and public supervision, which become valid on 1 January 2020, introduce a new model of supervision over the activity of auditors and auditor firms in Poland. The changes made are quite important to all actors involved in business that use services of such bodies, as well as to auditors and auditor firms themselves. This study also presents the new rules of public supervision in this market segment and the consequences of re-organisation of the model of supervision over auditors and auditor firms that takes place through the Act.

Keywords: auditor; auditor firm; Audit Supervision Commission; National Supervision Commission; Polish Chamber of Statutory Auditors; Polish Agency for Audit Supervision
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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.12.3

The purpose of this article is to analyze the law that regulates security measures when applying strong customer authentication (SCA). The rules introduced by PSD2 regarding identity identification when making payments through the use of SCA are to reduce the risk of fraud and increase payment security by introducing solutions that reduce the possibility of making unauthorised or fraudulent payment transactions. The significant impact of these provisions on consumers with the simultaneous complexity of the requirements makes it particularly important to undertake considerations aimed at conducting such analyzes and attempting to identify potential threats in connection with legislative interference in this area of payment services.

This article also draws attention to the phenomenon of technologization of the payment services market law, and more broadly the financial market.

Keywords: law; payment services
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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.12.4
JEL: (artykuł w języku angielskim)

W wyniku przyjęcia nowych rozwiązań prawnych w roku 2017 pojawiła się w polskim postępowaniu administracyjnym instytucja mediacji, która nie była znana dotąd jako metoda działania administracji publicznej. Mediację ustawodawca postanowił uformować jako metodę ustalania faktów oraz dokonywania wykładni przepisów prawa w sprawach kończących się wydaniem decyzji administracyjnej. Niniejszy artykuł jest próbą dokonania analizy spójności przyjętych rozwiązań z dotychczas obowiązującym systemem załatwiania spraw administracyjnych. Najważniejszym ustaleniem dokonanym w ramach przeprowadzonej analizy jest stwierdzenie fundamentalnej sprzeczności celów mediacji z istotą polskiego postępowania administracyjnego. Jest to związane z brakiem sporu na tym etapie postępowania, co wyklucza możliwość zastosowania mediacji jako formy niespornego załatwienia sprawy. Pozostałe, stwierdzone w ramach analizy sprzeczności systemowe, potwierdzają tezę o braku możliwości zastosowania mediacji w praktyce załatwiania spraw administracyjnych. 

Keywords: sprawa administracyjna; postępowanie administracyjne; polubowne załatwienie sprawy; mediacja; mediacja w postępowaniu administracyjnym; mediacja pomiędzy stronami postępowania; mediacja pomiędzy stronami a organem załatwiającym sprawę administracyjną
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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.12.5

Green energy trading in the EU goes beyond the Treaty rules of the EU internal market. The energy law interpretation, in the light of the internal market rules, is full of convergencies and divergencies. Commented in this work dispute between Alands Vindkraft AB company, the owner of the wind farm located in the Aland archipelago in Finland and Swedish Energimyndigheten showes notorious conflict between treaty based freedom of movement of goods and member states' freedoms to lead their own energy policies. This member state's autonomy derives from directive 2009/28/EC, however, this directive being a secondary source of law should be, in principle, compliant with the treaty-based freedoms of movement.

Keywords: EU emissions trading system; domestic support schemes; green certificates; free movement of goods; quantitative restrictions
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DOI: 10.33226/0137-5490.2019.12.6

In this paper, the author attempts to solve two important legal problems: what should be the content of the company's application for valuation of a share: a) should the company demanding the valuation of shares also indicate the candidate for a buyer, or can it (should) do it later and what is the legal status such a person (should such a person be a participant in the procedure for determining the price of shares); b) what is the legal nature of the company's right to indicate a candidate for a buyer (whether the exercise of this right depends on the content of the articles of association or regardless of the detailed form of the restriction, the company indicates such person). The author takes the position that art. 185 CCC allows the company to indicate the buyer up to the two-week time limit from notifying it of setting the share price. However, if such a person is indicated during the proceedings before the registry court, he has the status of the person concerned in this proceeding. The company's right to indicate the buyer is independent, i.e. independent of the content of the clause restricting the sale of shares. In the sphere of law optimization, the author states that the hybridity of enforcement of shares whose transferability is restricted by the articles of association (incorporation into the enforcement sale procedure before the registry court) is superfluous. It adds nothing significant while extending the proceedings. The article includes the postulate to amend art. 185 CCC by depriving the registry court of the competence to estimate shares and giving it to a bailiff.

Keywords: shares in a limited liability company; disposing of shares in a limited liability company; execution of shares in a limited liability company; restrictions on the transferability of shares
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