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Ppłk rez. mgr Andrzej Łydka
ORCID: 0000-0002-0098-878X

Former employee, officer of the Armed Forces Operational Command, veteran of operations outside the country. A doctoral student at the War Studies Academy. He is a graduate of the College of Missile and Artillery Forces and Opole University. His academic achievements are in the field of social sciences, in the discipline of security sciences. His scientific interests include the following issues in the field of logistics and international security: logistic support of Polish military contingents, multinational logistic in NATO, EU and UN operations, migration policy of the European Union. He is the author of six articles in national publications. His scientific research focuses on the issue of national and multinational logistic support of Polish military contingents operating in NATO crisis response operations, EU military operations and UN peacekeeping operations, which is reflected in his doctoral dissertation entitled National support element in the systems of logistic support of Polish Military Contingents.

DOI: 10.33226/1231-2037.2022.3.1
JEL: H12, M10, O32

It is extremely important to accumulate international experience, including in the field of logistics support for troops. Recent experiences related to this arose in connection with the participation of Polish Military Contingents in operations outside the country, differentiated by their nature, duration, and external conditions for the operation of separate military units. The article consists of three parts. The first one presents a general description of contemporary operations carried out abroad. The second describes the characteristic features of the national support element operating within the logistic support system of the Polish Military Contingent (PMC). Consequently, the last, third part contains content relating to the possibilities of improving the functioning of NSE, which were formulated on the basis of the latest results of empirical scientific research. The main aim of the article is to present conclusions on this issue.

Keywords: logistic support of Polish Military Contingents; national support element; logistic tasks in operations outside the country