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Rozwój obszarów wiejskich. Wybrane zagadnienia

Jerzy Bański
ISBN: 978-83-208-2271-7
Pages: 160
Publication date: 2017
Place publication: Warszawa
Publication: I
Binding: paperback
Format: B5
15.00 €
Lowest price in last 30 days: 8.00
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The book discusses contemporary processes and socio-economic phenomena taking place in rural areas, and the influence they have on the directions of rural areas development. Both the theoretical considerations and practical examples concern several European countries. The Author presented, among other things: what are rural areas, their functional and spatial structure, demographic and social processes unfolding there, the role of new technologies in changes occurring in rural areas, the development of tourism and recreation there, the protection of landscape and natural environment, planning of development and management of rural areas.


The book is addressed to students of management, economics, geography, spatial economy, tourism, agriculture, sociology; scholar staff of schools, universities and research institutions; personnel of institutions dealing with rural areas and agriculture (foundations, agencies, consultancy centers, officers od governmental and territorial administration).


Spis treści




1 Obszar wiejski – zagadnienia terminologiczne


2 Typologie i klasyfikacje obszarów wiejskich
2.1. Podejście strukturalne
2.2. Podejście lokalizacyjne
2.3. Podejście mieszane


3 Relacje miasto–wieś
3.1. Policentryczny system osadnictwa
3.2. Strefa podmiejska
3.3. Małe miasta – lokalne centra rozwoju


4 Wybrane czynniki rozwoju obszarów wiejskich
4.1. Globalne trendy rozwojowe i ich wpływ na obszary wiejskie
4.2. Rola zasobów lokalnych
4.3. Uwarunkowania społeczne i demograficzne
4.4. Zmiany strukturalne w gospodarce wiejskiej
4.5. Wyzwania związane ze zmianami klimatu


5 Polaryzacja społeczno-ekonomiczna obszarów wiejskich
5.1. Sukces gospodarczy na terenach wiejskich
5.2. Obszary problemowe na wsi


6 Współczesne procesy i zjawiska kształtujące przestrzeń wiejską w Polsce
6.1. Społeczeństwo
6.2. Gospodarka
6.3. Środowisko przyrodnicze


7 Problemy planowania i zarządzania obszarami wiejskimi
7.1. Polityka rozwoju obszarów wiejskich
7.2. Instrumenty wsparcia obszarów wiejskich
7.3. Prognozy, wizje, scenariusze





Jerzy Bański
Jerzy Bański

Jerzy Bański – full Professor, PhD Dsc, member of PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences), geographer, the President of the Polish Geographic Society. Research interests: transformations of the spatial structure, spatial and regional planning, geography of agriculture, geography of rural areas, local development. Author of 267 publications (including: 16 books, 123 articles in magazines and collective publications). Head of 28 projects and expert opinions, participant of 31 projects and expert opinions. Vice-President of the Steering Committee of the Commission on Local Development International Geographical Union element, vice-president of the Scientific Board of IGiPZ PAN, member of the Scientific Board at the Faculty of Biology and Earth Sciences at the Maria Curie-Skłodowska University UMCS in Lublin, Editor-in-chief of the publishing series Studia Obszarów Wiejskich (Rural Areas Studies), member of the Working Group of the National Committee of Polish Geographers for the organization in Poland of a Conference of Regional International Geographical Union, member of the Committee of Geographical sciences PAN, representative of Poland in EUGEO (organization gathering national geographers associations), Honorary Member of the Bulgarian Geographic Society, head of the Institute of Geography of Rural Areas and Local Development IGiPZ PAN.

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