Sociologist, professor at the Faculty of Sociology of the University of Adam Mickiewicz in Poznań, Head of the Laboratory of Sociology of Social Change. His theoretical studies are focused on theories of social change, with particular emphasis on the theory of subjectivity and the intersection of social sciences and philosophy of science. On the other hand, empirical sociological research addresses the issue of the quality of life of city dwellers. The most important publications of the recent period are the books: Quality of life of the inhabitants of Poznań, Social image of water. Sociological study, The quality of life of Poznań inhabitants at risk of marginalization and social exclusion, The sense of security of Poznań inhabitants and the level of crime in Poznań. Spatial and Socio-Economic Conditions. The articles are: 'The Polish Peasant in Europe and America' and the problem of the relationship between sociological research and its applications for solving social problems, Civic competence – an attempt at conceptualization, Local public spheres and transformation of civic competences.
Dr hab. Ryszard Cichocki
ORCID: 0000-0003-4131-8528
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2023.5.2
JEL: B55, Q01, Z13