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Biuro zarządzania projektami (PMO)

Paweł Wyrozębski
ISBN: 978-83-208-2331-8
Pages: 320
Publication date: 2019
Place publication: Warszawa
Publication: I
Binding: paperback
Format: B5
15.00 €
Lowest price in last 30 days: 12.75
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Every organization operating in a global economy incessantly faces the need to face challenges concerning, among other things, implementations of new products and processes in order to be able to survive in a highly competitive and continuously volatile environment. To cope with this, it has become a common practice to establish, within enterprises, special organizational units for planning, organizing and supervising the undertakings under implementation. As many as 71% of companies surveyed admit they keep a project management office within its organizational structures, as this has presently become one of the best tools of implementing changes and improving as well as maintaining their principal profile of business activity.

The tasks of a Project Management Office (PMO) includes as follows:

• supporting and implementing the company’s strategic plans; 
• maintenance of its intellectual capital; 
• planning of and supervision over the use of resources; 
• coordination and centralizations of projects entrusted; 
• management of the project environment, including the planning, standardization and synchronization, training, inspection; 
• streamlining of practices and outcomes of project management;
• problems overcoming or alleviating; 
• projects reporting to a superior management level.

Project Management Office is a publication that fills a previously existing gap in the Polish editorial market. The Author presents updated state of knowledge and the most recent research findings in the field of PMO. The issues addressed are perfectly complemented with discussion of the problems of a project portfolio, management of project-related knowledge and maturity of project management offices. The book is addressed to students of management, post-graduate students in project management, participants of specialized training courses, as well as business practitioners and counsellors.


Innovative processes organization and management ID: 1068496651

Another book in the series “Innovation science and practice”, we hereby recommend to our Readers, is dedicated to problems regarding organization and management of innovative processes, i.e. to issues involving creation, implementation, commercialization and diffusion of innovation. Both organization and management of processes of innovation are subject to permanent changes influenced by new challenger and possibilities that appear all the time. The book confronts well-established approaches with the most recent trends proposed in Western literature. The latter seems to answer a couple of crucial questions, about how to structure the process of innovation and how to shape and develop effective patterns of behavior of the actors of the process of innovation in its routine daily progress. The material presented in the book is structured and delivered in a carefully planned manner: to guide the Reader from general problems and a review of various approaches to innovation and innovativeness in business environment, through description of the nature of innovative processes with their sources and effects, to their pre-requisites and determinants considered on macro-, mezzo- and micro-economic scale. The book should be reckoned a compendium of scientific knowledge about innovation and innovative processes with particular emphasis upon the Polish economy.


Spis treści


Rozdział 1. Wprowadzenie i źródła koncepcji PMO
Rozdział 2. Istota biur zarządzania projektami
Rozdział 3. Popularyzacja i rozwój koncepcji PMO |

Rozdział 4. Uzasadnienie i ocena korzyści z wdrożenia PMO w organizacji 

Rozdział 5. Modele, typy i podejścia do PMO 

Rozdział 6. Przegląd typowych zadań realizowanych przez PMO 

Rozdział 7. Strategiczne zarządzanie projektami 

Rozdział 8. Monitorowanie i raportowanie projektów
Rozdział 9. Opracowanie metodyk i narzędzi zarządzania projektami 

Rozdział 10. Gromadzenie doświadczeń i zarządzanie wiedzą projektową 

Rozdział 11. Rozwój personelu projektowego 

Rozdział 12. Wsparcie planowania i realizacji projektów 

Rozdział 13. Jak wdrażać PMO? Organizacja i tworzenie biura projektów 

Rozdział 14. Modele dojrzałości biura zarządzania projektami 

Rozdział 15. Kompleksowy model funkcjonowania PMO — biura portfela, programów i projektów według Axelos P3O 


Załącznik. Opis stanowisk biura zarządzania projektami 


Paweł Wyrozębski
Paweł Wyrozębski

Paweł Wyrozębski, PhD Dsc, associate professor in the Warsaw School of Economics, graduate of the study direction Management and Marketing, Warsaw School of Economics. Coordinator of M.A. studies in the new direction Project Management in Warsaw School of Economics. Co-organizer and lecturer in Post-graduate Studies of Project Management, Warsaw School of Economics. Lecturer for the Master of Business Administration (MBA) program at the Warsaw School of Economics. Certified expert in the field of project management (PRINCE2® and AgilePM®), risk management (M_o_R®), portfolio management (MoP®) and project programs (MSP®) and facilitation (Process Iceberg® Method). Head of, co-organizer and consultant for scientific and research, counseling and training projects. Specialized in issues concerning project management, including, in particular, project management offices (author of the first books about PMO on the Polish publishing market), methodology of project management and knowledge management in projects. In these areas he has been involved in scientific, publishing, educational and counseling activities. Member of expert associations (PMI PC/IPMA Polska) and promotor of the idea of project management, also beyond the academic environment – lecturer for programs “Ekonomiczny Uniwersytet Dziecięcy”, “Akademia Młodego Ekonomisty”, “Klasa Akademicka” (Foundation for Promotion and Accreditation of Economic Study Directio), and “Sector 3.0” (Polish-American Freedom Foundation / Foundation for Development of Information Society).


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