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Morska turystyka żeglarska

Leszek Butowski
ISBN: 978-83-208-2317-2
Pages: 208
Publication date: 2018
Place publication: Warszawa
Publication: I
Binding: paperback
Format: B5
14.00 €
Lowest price in last 30 days: 7.00
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The book we recommend to our Readers is an extraordinary monograph concerning sea sailing. The Author’s perfect knowledge of that field, evidenced by his mastering of literature and extensive practical experience, yields a very remarkable outcome. What we get is a work quite innovative in the Polish, and even in the global market, putting the knowledge abot sea sailing in order and enriching it with a great deal of new facts and ideas, with an evident emphasis upon sea-sailing tourism.


The work consists of fifteen chapters which together make up a logical whole, describing in a systematic manner contemporary sea-sailing tourism in its many aspects. The first two chapters contain an analysis of the very notion of sailing tourism, including its scope and relations with other forms of sea tourism and active tourism in general. Discussion of the subject results in a proposal for a definition of sea-sailing tourism which then provides the basis for further considerations. Chapter three contains a typological description of sailors seen as protagonists of that form of tourist activity. Subsequent chapters discuss natural as well as historical and cultural, as well as socio-economic prerequisites for the development of sea-sailing tourism. Then the Author’s focus shifts to spatial aspects of sea-sailing tourism. This part of the book presents the key global basins (with particular emphasis upon the Baltic Sea) which present especially advantageous conditions for the development of sea-sailing tourism. Also discussed are the principal routes of sea-sailing tourism in oceans, on either intercontinental or global scale. Next chapters present an outline of history of development of global yachting and of the Polish national sailing, taking into account local conditions and specificities of selected countries. Then, seaworthy yachts are presented and described, as is infrastructure essential for the craft of sailing; this discussion is used as a basis for an analysis of sailing-related products in tourism. Finally, a chapter dedicated to the spatial aspect of sea-sailing tourism contains a synthesis of all considerations about determinants of development of sea-sailing tourism. The book concludes with a part addressing the issue of formal skills and competences required and marine certificates, mainly from the point of view of the safety of sailing.


Spis treści




1. Definicja morskiej turystyki żeglarskiej
2. Morska turystyka żeglarska jako forma turystyki morskiej i turystyki aktywnej
3. Charakterystyka typologiczna żeglarzy i morskiej turystyki żeglarskiej
4. Czynniki przyrodnicze warunkujące rozwój morskiej turystyki żeglarskiej
5. Uwarunkowania historyczno-kulturowe i społeczno-ekonomiczne morskiej turystyki żeglarskiej
6. Główne obszary morskiej turystyki żeglarskiej
7. Główne szlaki oceanicznej turystyki żeglarskiej
8. Zarys historii jachtingu światowego
9. Zarys historii polskiego żeglarstwa morskiego
10. Morskie jachty żaglowe
11. Infrastruktura morskiej turystyki żeglarskiej
12. Morski, żeglarski produkt turystyczny
13. Morskie rejsy żeglarskie jako produkty turystyczne
14. Morska (żeglarska) przestrzeń turystyczna
15. Kwalifikacje formalne i morskie certyfikaty żeglarskie





Leszek Butowski

Leszek Butowski – born in Warsaw in 1965, geographer, methodologist, passionate about sea sailing. Professor in the Faculty of Geographical Sciences at the University of Lodz. Yacht and motorboats captain. Graduate of the Faculty of Tourism and Recreation of the University of Physical Education in Poznan. In 1990s member of the scholar staff of the University of Warsaw. Fellow of the French government in the Université Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne. Lecturer in several Polish and foreign universities (in Turkey, Cyprus, Portugal). Independent expert in regional development and development of tourism. Author of over a dozen books and many articles on issues related with the policy of cohesion of the European Union and tourism, sailing, and methodology. Owner of a stylish tiny seaworthy yacht s/y Lideczka. Active sailor, also in the company of brilliant handicapped sailors, mainly in European waters and on the Atlantic.

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