Doctor in the Chair of Market and Consumption in the University of Economics in Katowice, economist. Lecturer in the College of Management at the University of Economics in Katowice. Project manager in the Research and Expertise Center in Katowice. His scientific interests have been focused on behaviors of entities in the market, in particular consumer behaviors. Head of and executor of many grants, research projects and practices. The most recent grant by him carried out resulted, among other things, in publication of his work Ryzyko w decyzjach nabywczych konsumentów (Risk in purchase decisions of consumers, UE, Katowice 2010). Author of many articles, published i.a. Marketing i Rynek monthly magazine, No. 2/2011 Polski konsument wobec ryzyka nieudanego zakupu (Polish consumer and the risk of unsatisfactory purchase).
Dr hab. prof. UE Grzegorz Maciejewski
ORCID: 0000-0002-1318-0747
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2021.12.2
JEL: D12, D91, L83, M31
DOI: 10.33226/1231-7853.2020.2.3
JEL: D91, E22, G41