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Piotr Banaszyk, Sabina Kauf, Jacek Szołtysek
ISBN: 978-83-208-2591-6
Pages: 140
Publication date: 2024
Place publication: Warszawa
Publication: I
Binding: paperback
Format: B5
14.00 €
Lowest price in last 30 days: 11.90
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The primary goal of this monograph is to indicate probable trends in the field of logistics and supply chains, which are currently international in nature. These trends are forecasts resulting from observed historical and current processes. It can be assumed that they constitute a kind of azimuth for logistics and supply chain managers. Azimuth, i.e. landmarks that a manager in each sector, industry and specific enterprise can use to chart an individual and original development path. The book begins with a historical reflection showing the evolution of the development of logistics principles, methods and applications. Then, the impact of progress in the field of information and communication technologies on logistics activities, and the control of logistics processes and supply chains were comprehensively presented. Next, the importance and consequences of the phenomenon of the so-called hybridization of the market offer of enterprises, i.e. striving to increase customer satisfaction by complementing the physical form of products by providing product-related services, are presented. Finally, attempts were made to identify and consider the impact of the observed phenomena on the future characteristics of logistics processes and supply chain management. We can hope that the presented findings and opinions will become grounds for reflection and discussion, especially among researchers of the phenomena in question, and will prove helpful in inspiring practitioners.


Rozdział 1
Geneza i ewolucja logistyki międzynarodowej

Logistyka militarna w perspektywie czasu
Logistyka gospodarcza w perspektywie czasu
Logistyka społeczna w perspektywie czasu
Logistyka międzynarodowa w perspektywie czasu

Rozdział 2
Informatyzacja logistyki oraz zarządzania łańcuchami i sieciami dostaw

Znaczenie informacji w logistyce oraz zarządzaniu łańcuchami i sieciami dostaw
Funkcjonalność technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w zarządzaniu logistyką przedsiębiorstwa oraz łańcuchem i siecią dostaw
Obiektowe ujęcie technologii informacyjno-komunikacyjnych w zarządzaniu logistyką przedsiębiorstwa oraz łańcuchem i siecią dostaw
Perspektywa zarządzania logistyką oraz łańcuchami i sieciami dostaw 5.0

Rozdział 3
Serwicyzacja gospodarki światowej oraz jej wpływ na logistykę i łańcuchy dostaw

Pojęcie i istota serwicyzacji
Ewolucja koncepcji serwicyzacji
Przesłanki rozwoju serwicyzacji
Zarządzanie łańcuchem dostaw w kontekście serwicyzacji

Rozdział 4
Ku nowej logistyce międzynarodowej

Czy potrafimy przewidzieć przyszłość?
Logistyka międzynarodowa w reakcji na zmiany otoczenia
Serwicyzacja obsługi klienta i jej rola w funkcjonowaniu międzynarodowych łańcuchów dostaw
Sprzeczność między ekonomizacją a zaufaniem



Piotr Banaszyk
Piotr Banaszyk

Prof. dr hab. Piotr Banaszyk

Head of Logistics Department at Poznan University of Economics and Business. His research interests are focused in the field of logistics and supply chain management, the strategic management and the history of management thought.

Sabina Kauf
Sabina Kauf

Prof. dr hab. Sabina Kauf

Director of the Institute of Management and Quality at the University of Opole, Head of the Department of Logistics and Marketing. For over 15 years, she has focused her research interests on the use of the potential of logistics and supply chain management in local government units. She also conducts research in the field of city and smart city logistics.

Jacek Szołtysek
Jacek Szołtysek

Professor of Economic Sciences, Head of the Department of Social Logistics at the University of Economics in Katowice. He has been focusing his scientific interests for over 15 years on the potential of logistics in urban management, health care, humanitarian actions and other applications of social logistics. In his research and theoretical considerations he draws on the experience of other scientific disciplines, implementing an interdisciplinary approach in the field of city functioning, including city logistics. He is the originator of social logistics, treated on an equal footing with military and economic logistics as the third conceptual area of logistics. He is the author of nine academic textbooks and six scientific monographs, over 60 chapters in scientific monographs, over 200 scientific articles published in the country and abroad. He is a scientific editor of 17 scientific papers. He has extensive managerial experience – he has held management positions at the highest levels in banking and service institutions and in production companies including those with foreign capital.

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