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Satysfakcja zawodowa pracowników - kreator kapitału ludzkiego

Marta Juchnowicz
ISBN: 978-83-208-2150-5
Pages: 174
Publication date: 2014
Place publication: Warszawa
Publication: I
Binding: paperback
Format: B5
13.00 €
Lowest price in last 30 days: 11.05
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Today’s world sees an increasing significance of human capital in creating the value of companies and generating long-term competitive advantage, no matter in which area or under which specific conditions they might operate. Both managers and experts seek for ways to improve the quality of human capita, focusing their efforts upon the skills of employees and efficiency of their work. One important factor providing a basis upon which attitudes especially in demand nowadays are developed, such as involvement, innovativeness, eagerness to grow and improve constantly, readiness to share one’s knowledge, active participation in the process of changes, is a level of professional satisfaction any employee achieves.


A significant part of considerations presented in the book is dedicated to periodic studies and measurements of a level of professional satisfaction of an employee – issues that are very important from the point of view of both managers and employers. The Author presents a comprehensive method, verified by practice, of diagnosing that level and identifying factors which managers have real influence upon. Accordingly, the book also includes information concerning ways of effective development of a level of professional satisfaction.


The book is addressed to students in universities and faculties of economics, as well as to managers and entrepreneurs.

Financial statements audit. Theory and practice ID: 662243084

One fundamental condition for sound and efficient corporate management is having access to a broad scope of relevant information. Significant sources of information about an enterprise’s property and financial condition and on the outcomes of its business operations are in accountancy. The key pool of such information is an annual financial statement of an enterprise. In order for figures included in the financial statement to be reliable, it should be verified by an auditor through an audit.


An audit of an enterprise’s financial statements is quite a complex operation. To simplify its presentation and analysis, the contents of the book was divided into two parts: theoretical and practical. In theoretical part the Authors presented the essence and role of audit of financial statements, legal fundaments of the audit and its methodical aspects, with particular emphasis put upon the role of financial analysis in performing an audit. In the empirical part based on practice, the Authors discussed the key practical problems related with financial statements’ audit, such as: the process of preparation and execution of an audit, methods of performing an audit in an IT environment and in capital groups, development of an opinion and report on the audit carried out as well as completing the audit documentation.


The book can be useful to auditors, candidates to become ones, officers of financial and accountancy services as well as students in the faculties of finance and accountancy at universities of economics.

Managerial accountancy. Methods and applications ID: 892537764

Managerial accountancy is a set of methods and analytical-accountancy activities that serve as an instrument to provide information essential for streamlining an enterprise’s regular operation and develop its efficient growth in the future. Therefore, the book focuses upon methods of acquiring information and their application in managing an enterprise.
Managerial accountancy caters for an enterprise’s internal needs, so in consequence the crucial source of information generated by accountancy is costs account. This is reflected in the structure of the book contents. It consists of three parts, dedicated, respectively, to the following:


• costs account as a source of managerial information,


• models of costs account,


• tools of managerial accountancy.


In presentation of individual issues covered in the book its Authors applied a well-proved cognitive scheme: first they presented the fundaments of theory and then illustrated the same with practical examples. Such an approach enables them to pinpoint the problem and understand the usefulness of its application in practice. Verification of the issues discussed is achieved through sets of testing questions and exercises for readers to solve, included at the end of each chapter.


We recommend the book to students in faculties of economics, post-graduate students, as well as managers, financial analysts and the staff of financial services.


Spis treści




Rozdział 1
Istota zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej

Pojęcia zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej
Zadowolenie z pracy i satysfakcja zawodowa jako szczególne postawy pracowników
Uwarunkowania zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej


Rozdział 2
Ewolucja teoretycznego kontekstu roli zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej pracowników w zarządzaniu

Rozwój poglądów na znaczenie zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej
Satysfakcja zawodowa w koncepcji zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim
Zadowolenie z pracy i satysfakcja zawodowa a wartość kapitału intelektualnego


Rozdział 3
Współczesne przesłanki zainteresowania się problemem satysfakcji zawodowej pracowników

Kontrakt psychologiczny w organizacji oraz poziom „zdrowia organizacji” i dobrostan pracowników a satysfakcja zawodowa pracowników
Konsekwencje ekonomiczne satysfakcji zawodowej
Zadowolenie z pracy i satysfakcja zawodowa a zaangażowanie organizacyjne
Satysfakcja zawodowa jako czynnik motywujący


Rozdział 4
Przegląd metod badania satysfakcji z pracy

Metody pomiaru poziomu satysfakcji z pracy
Metody oceny aspektów pracy determinujących poziom satysfakcji z pracy
Kompleksowe podejście do oceny satysfakcji z pracy
Diagnoza satysfakcji z pracy w ujęciu międzynarodowym


Rozdział 5
Propozycja metody badania satysfakcji zawodowej

Koncepcja metody: założenia metodologiczne
Poziom satysfakcji zawodowej pracowników sektora usług w Polsce
Organizacja badań. Charakterystyka próby badawczej
Analiza poziomu satysfakcji zawodowej
Analiza determinant satysfakcji zawodowej związanych z zarządzaniem kapitałem ludzkim
Satysfakcja zawodowa a poziom zaangażowania
Analiza modelu satysfakcji zawodowej przy wykorzystaniu relacji ścieżkowych


Rozdział 6
Kształtowanie zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej w procesie zarządzania

Oddziaływanie treści pracy
Tworzenie materialnego i pozamaterialnego środowiska pracy
Wpływ sposobu zarządzania kapitałem ludzkim na zadowolenie z pracy i satysfakcję zawodową
Aspekty wynagrodzenia kluczowe z punktu widzenia zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej


Aneks: Badanie zadowolenia z pracy i satysfakcji zawodowej


Marta Juchnowicz
Marta Juchnowicz

Professor of economic sciences in the field of management science. Heads the Chair of Human Capital Development in the Warsaw School of Economics. Performs the function of Editor-in-chief of “Edukacja Ekonomistów and Menedżerów” quarterly magazine and a member of the scientific board of “Kwartalnik Nauk o Przedsiębiorstwie” quarterly magazine. Cooperates as professor-consultant with the Institute of Labor and Social Affairs in Warsaw. Member of the Committee of Labor and Social Policy at PAN (Polish Academy of Sciences). Her scholar, research and expert interests evolve around issues of human capital management, and in particular worker motivation, wages management and work valuation. Involved in intense educational activity, i.a. as head of Doctoral Studies, Post-graduate Managerial Studies and Human Resources Management, in line with European standards, in the Warsaw School of Economics. Promoted 13 doctors.

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